
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:26:15
怎么用英语表达:在不同的城市努力知道的帮忙下.. 英语翻译 急,可以使用特殊法(除了设坐标)过三角形ABC的重心作一直线分别交AB,AC于点D,E,若向量AD=xAB,向量AE=yAC(xy不等于0),试求1/x+1/y的值.(以上AD、AB、AE、AC都是向量) 英语翻译如果他们筹备好了,我会马上告诉你的.请帮我译成英语, 英语翻译1.“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity” Albert Einstain2."You gain strengh,courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look in the face",Eleanor Roosevelt 英语翻译1、很抱歉,这个杯子有错误的地方,我已经安排重新去制作样品了,预计下周内完成.我可以先将其他的样品寄出给你吗?2、这个杯子的手柄的颜色是错误的. Peter___(walk)to school between Monday and Friday from Monday to Friday为什么不用between Monday and Friday between monday and friday,还是用among?如题 英语翻译Never thought I would be so here,so high in the air,this is my unanswered prayer,defined by another,so much wasted time,out of the darkness each breath that I take will be mine.这是某首歌里的一小段歌词,希望大家能翻译出 英语翻译我的暑假不是很好,因为我除了上补习班以外几乎没有学习,这令我感到我的生活不是充实的,我很后悔.但是,尽管如此,我还是过了一个很愉快的暑假.在那里,我和父母一起划船,在沙滩 英语翻译两句话的中文翻译 Nobody gets too much heaven no more. children should attend school from a young age有没有语法错误啊,‘a‘是不是应该去掉啊? The food t______ is cheap and it comes very quickly. all children over seven must attend school可以写成 the over seven all the children must attend schoo Children must_____school clothes from Monday to Friday.A put on B wear C in D with the dress is very cheap.i can buy it.合并句子 Theress is cheap.me to buy. than's very cheap.i'll buy it改为同义句 That's very cheap.I'll buy it 改为同义句 That 's very cheap.l 'll buy it (改为同义句) We'll leave as soon as it________ raining.1.is stopping 2.stops 3.will stop 4.shall stop I wonder _______ the rain will stop soon.A.that B./ C .if D.what I saw the boys playing football happily同义句I saw ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) playing football happily 北风乍起时 哪些名言警句 通书上说的进入口移徒是什么意思 若不过房改名姓,也当移徒二三通. Our Chinese teach( )看起来very young 填写看起来 一道初二竞赛题(要有过程)设有A,B两个委员会,其中A委员会有13名委员,B委员会有6名委员.假如在本年度招开的会议期间,若召开会议的天数在30天以内(含30天),那么每人每天可以支领20元补 求一道初中竞赛题怎么写,x+1/x=-1,则x^2005+1/x^2005=?答案上说是-1. cut it We'll leave as soon as it___ raining.1.is stopping 2.stops 3.will stop 4.shall stop