The fish my mother cooked is smelt nice.(哪里错了?)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 22:19:13
The fish my mother cooked is smelt nice.(哪里错了?)

The fish my mother cooked is smelt nice.(哪里错了?)
The fish my mother cooked is smelt nice.(哪里错了?)

The fish my mother cooked is smelt nice.(哪里错了?)


去掉smilt 或者将 is smilt 换成 smills

正确的应该是The fish that my mother cooked smelt nice.
此句为主语从句,the fish 为主语,that my mother cooked 修饰the fish,是其定语。
smelt是谓语动词,所以不需要加is, is是be动词,后面接的是表语
你可以说The fish is nice. 但是不可将两个动词放在一起。